Wednesday, July 9, 2008

ex-stripper says she spent two nights with Alex Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez and wife Cynthia
Alex Rodriguez and wife Cynthia

A former Boston stripper has come forward saying she slept
with Yankee third baseman Alex Rodriguez twice in 2004 —
and that Cynthia Rodriguez "did the right thing" by filing for divorce.

"A leopard doesn't change his spots,"
Candice Houlihan told Boston Herald.
"Good for her. I think she's doing the smart thing.
And she'll probably get tons of cash."

Houlihan, 31, says she shared two nights with A-Rod
while he was on the road in 2004 after she met him during
a Yankee-Red Sox clash at Fenway Park in July of that year.

"He introduced himself, asked me who I was,
and if I wanted to meet up for drinks later. I was like, 'Hell, yeah!'"

Then she and A-Rod, 32, went back to his suite at the Ritz Carlton hotel
and had sex, she says.
Houlihan, a source told the paper, felt guilty when she found out
Cynthia Rodriguez, 35, was pregnant with the couple's first child.
"She realized his wife was having a baby,
so that put a damper on any thoughts she had,"

the source said.
But they got together again three months later, according to Houlihan.
Meanwhile, Us Weekly reports that A-Rod has been
"in love" with Madonna since at least January.
At dinner with a friend in Miami that month, the Yankees third baseman
"began tittering like a smitten schoolboy"
over text messages with a woman, according to Us.
"He kept smiling, acting as if he was a little kid,"
A-Rod's friend reportedly told Us.
"He told me it was Madonna. I was shocked."
"He proceeded to say he was in love with her, but I thought he was kidding,"
the friend said. "But he wasn't."
Madonna sexy
In February, the friend said, A-Rod told him,
"She's my fucking soulmate, dude!"

Madonna denies having an affair with Rodriguez, and insists her own marriage
to British director Guy Ritchie is not on the verge of ending,
despite reports they both have consulted divorce lawyers.

In divorce papers filed Monday in Miami-Dade County Family Court,
Cynthia accused A-Rod of "extramarital affairs" and called
their six-year marriage "irretrievably broken."
Cynthia did not name names in her six-page petition. Her lead lawyer, Earle Lilly,
denied speculation that Rodriguez had a sexual relationship
with Madonna calling it "an affair of the heart."
It wasn't "sexual infidelity," Lilly told
Madonna sexy hard candy

Cynthia and A-Rod have been married for more than five years.
She has asked for primary custody of their two children —
Nathasha Alexander, 3, and 2-month-old Ella Alexander —
as well as child support and alimony.
Alex Rodriguez and wife Cynthia

Rodriguez is in the first season of a $275 million, 10-year contract with the Yankees,
a deal that allows him to earn up to $305 million.
He made $185.45 million from 2001-7 from his contract with the Texas Rangers and Yankees.

(Boston Herald)

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