Sunday, November 30, 2008

saving money with sex

Britons 'saving money with sex'
As the credit crunch bites, Britons may be turning to sex
as a cheap way to pass the time, a charity says.
A YouGov survey of 2,000 adults found sex was the most popular free activity,
ahead of window shopping and gossiping.

The Scots were most amorous with 43% choosing sex over other past-times,
compared with 35% in South England.
Aids charity the Terrence Higgins Trust, which published the survey,
also welcomed recent figures showing an increase in condom sales.
Around one in 10 respondents to the survey, carried in November,
said their favourite free activity was window shopping and 6% chose going to a museum
as the cheapest way to pass the time.

But the sexes differed on their priorities, with women preferring to gossip with friends
while men had sex firmly at the top of their list.


Publishing the results to coincide with World Aids Day,
the Terrence Higgins Trust reminded people to practise safe sex and pointed out
that a packet of condoms costs a fraction of the cost of a night out.

Lisa Power, head of policy, said:
We're glad that people are finding ways of relieving some of their credit crunch woes,
but if there's one thing it's worth forking out for, it's condoms.
Alternatively you can get them free from family planning and sexual health clinics.

"Rates of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections are on the up
so when you snuggle down with a partner, make sure you do it safely."

Rebecca Findlay, from the Family Planning Association advised:
"If anyone's having more sex at the moment whatever the reason,
do think about your contraception, your condoms and any testing you might need
for sexually transmitted infections.


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